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Start Doing things because you want to not because you are told to

Me Practicing snapping the football

Why do people need to be motivated? Look around, Motivation is everywhere. From the people getting paid millions to play professional sports, to businessmen like Bill Gates who get paid millions everyday. Stop saying you can’t do something because you “aren’t motivated”. Quit relying on motivation to get work done. Do it because you should. Work hard because that’s what you should do. Stop putting others needs ahead of yours. I’m not saying to quit being a good person or don’t be a good summeritin, I’m saying work because it benefits you not because others want you to.

Don’t get a job because someone calls you a bum; get a job because you want to climb the social ladder. Get a job because you can’t live without that job. Make it your goal to get the job you want. Stop waiting for someone to tell you “this is what you need to do”. Start working towards your goals now. Imagine a better you in your head right now and start working to become that person.

As an adult if you are looking around going, “I thought there was more to life than this”, than stop waiting on people with money to solve your problems. Stop relying on the government or your preferred political party to solve your problems. Start working as hard as you can now so you can relax later. When I played football we had a saying, “do it wrong, do it long-do it right,do it light”. If you sell yourself short and you are not working as hard as you can, you are prolonging how long it’s going to take for you to reach your goals. When you are working as hard as you can, you are cutting the time it takes to be successful in half. I can be a slacker too. I’m not trying to act all holier than thou, but I’m tired of hearing the same excuses over and over. It’s ok to complain about a job, hell i do it all the time but that doesn’t mean you don’t do it. Complain all you want but do your damn job and do it to your fullest ability. One hundred and ten percent as much as possible and then watch the money pile up.

Stop being content about where you are. That doesn’t mean cry about it , I mean do something about it. Do it fast to or somebody is gonna take that promotion or job from you. It’s a dog eat dog world and you have to be the biggest dog in the damn place to get what you want. Tell your boss how hard you’ve been working after a few months and demand that raise you deserve. If he or she tells you no, you quit and go somewhere that will. That boss will be devastated knowing their best worker left them and now they are stuck with people that sell themselves short.

Here’s a great way to stay on track. Set your goals early. The earlier you start the earlier you will finish. Make these goals realistic and attainable. Focus on making them bigger once you have reached them. Make your goals known amongst your peers. Let them hold you accountable when you can’t. This has been helping me tremendously on my goal to lose weight — when you stop playing football you realize how big you are. My buddies are on a diet with me and we all hold each other accountable. It makes the process more fun too. Another key to success is make rules for yourself. This will help you get to your goal faster by limiting what you can and can’t do. Focus on these rules when you think of going off road and doing something you really shouldn’t be doing. The last and arguably most important way, is to track your progress routinely. Stay on track as much as possible. The more you fall off the track, the harder the goal will be to reach. Stick to your guns and follow the rules you have set up for yourself to stay in the right direction. follow these tips and you will be on the road to success in no time at all. Do not let someone tell you that you can’t do something surround yourself with good and encouraging people. Remember that you are your own motivation and you control what you do in your life. Start motivating yourself now and start making your dreams come true.

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